Mineralogy Deformation in Quartz - Undulatory Extinction
Mineralogy Deformation in Quartz - Undulatory Extinction
Beyond the Elements XRD Mineralogy XRF Analysis for Advanced Mud Logging
More information on Olympus XRF and XRD analyzers: http://bit.ly/1pZ3zBo This video is a teaser from the webinar Beyond the Elements XRD Mineralogy XRF Analysis for Advanced Mud Logging. Jose Brum, field sales engineer from Olympus, and special guest Dawn Snyder, geologist from Diversified Well Logging, were the presenters. Learn how XRD and XRF analyzers help maximize the efficiency of drilling operations by quickly finding commercially viable target zones for better production and improved ROI. Wa
Crystallography Mineralogy: Lecture 5. Space groups, crystal growth and twinning